Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zinon's Prayer of Dedication in the Book of Jeraneck

During the "Second Great War" in ancient Britain, as recorded by the Book of Jeraneck, the armies of the pagan military leader Rendanoneck were arrayed against the armies of Almighty God, who were fighting for their very survival. Below is an entry from the Book of Jeraneck (chapter 13:75-80) in which the captain of the armies, Zinon, prays to Almighty God and devotes himself to His cause. It is truly moving and beautiful:
"Now the armies of Rendanoneck started to beat their swords upon their shields and they started to sing unto Odinon and at this time the armies of God became afraid and the captain of the armies of God rode forward on his horse and his horse was arrayed with all manner of armour and upon the armour was written these words: “We fight for our God, our Prophet and our Religion.” and this was the standard by which the armies of God fought.

For they were not fighting for riches or gold or for their own edification but they were fighting for their belief and for their God. It mattered not to them whether their houses were burned or their fields destroyed because they knew that the Almighty was with them and he would stand by them for they were fighting for him. And the captain of the armies of God was called Zinon and Zinon rode forward to the centre of the field of battle and he held aloft his sword and he cried saying “Oh God of Heaven oh God of Earth bless thy people that we may be victories on this day that we may have our Religion restored and our Freedom restored. For we fight for thee, we fight for the Religion that you have given us and we fight so the honour may be yours."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Prophet Jeraneck's beautiful prayer

The Prophet Jeraneck's beautiful prayer for the Lord's guidance before he led a perilous journey across the seas to Britain:
“I cry unto you as your servant, and as thy servant and thy Prophet, I bless this land in thy name, for we have been faithful and we have erected many stone monuments unto thee, just as you have commanded us to do. And we have done this not for our own edification but for yours, Oh, Lord, and we have done this so that those that follow after us will know that we were the People of Light and that we followed thy teachings and thy principles and I ask, Oh, Lord and Saviour, that you will guide us on our journey, that you will guide us across the seas to our new land, that you have promised us."  - from the Book of Jeraneck, 6:6

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sincerity and Gratitude of the Prophet Jeraneck

What I really like about the Book of Jeraneck is the simplicity and sincerity of the people it describes. The Prophet Jeraneck, facing the obliteration of his entire nation and all he held dear - including the death of his beloved wife - still finds ways to be grateful to Almighty God for all of His blessings, as in this passage near the end of the book:
“I bear testimony that I was born to a great people that I saw them for what they truly are, the followers of the Almighty God the People of Light. I am grateful and thankful to the God of Heaven that I was born to this people that I am counted amongst this great seed, for I love them.” Book of Jeraneck 17:67-68

Saturday, September 3, 2011

As the blog's title explains, I'm a huge fan of the Book of Jeraneck, which tells the story of the Prophet Jeraneck and his people, who lived in ancient Britain and faced endless wars of annihilation that threatened the lives and religious beliefs of his people.
They struggled to maintain both over centuries of struggle, retreating to the great Stone Circles we can see even today to meet, rally the troops and tell stories about their culture and heritage.

Thanks to the Book of Jeraneck, those stories remain and can be read by people today. The words are very inspiring, and in fact, they are accepted as scripture even by some people in today's Britain.

The book is filled with massive wars, and is not shy about the consequences of those wars. They devastated the people and were often started with arrogance, confusion, jealousy and bitterness. Lessons to be learned, from history, eh?

In this blog, I'm going to post some excepts from the book and hope everyone is inspired by them.


Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm a huge fan of the Book of Jeraneck, an ancient book that has been rediscovered in modern times, telling the story about the early history of the British people - how they were guided by God to come to Britain, how they built enormous stone circles to honor Almighty God and gather together to worship Him, and how they fought valiantly to preserve their history and culture.

That book (and this amazing story) survived to this very day, and it's an amazing tale that I hope to help tell here on this blog.