Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Zinon's Prayer of Dedication in the Book of Jeraneck

During the "Second Great War" in ancient Britain, as recorded by the Book of Jeraneck, the armies of the pagan military leader Rendanoneck were arrayed against the armies of Almighty God, who were fighting for their very survival. Below is an entry from the Book of Jeraneck (chapter 13:75-80) in which the captain of the armies, Zinon, prays to Almighty God and devotes himself to His cause. It is truly moving and beautiful:
"Now the armies of Rendanoneck started to beat their swords upon their shields and they started to sing unto Odinon and at this time the armies of God became afraid and the captain of the armies of God rode forward on his horse and his horse was arrayed with all manner of armour and upon the armour was written these words: “We fight for our God, our Prophet and our Religion.” and this was the standard by which the armies of God fought.

For they were not fighting for riches or gold or for their own edification but they were fighting for their belief and for their God. It mattered not to them whether their houses were burned or their fields destroyed because they knew that the Almighty was with them and he would stand by them for they were fighting for him. And the captain of the armies of God was called Zinon and Zinon rode forward to the centre of the field of battle and he held aloft his sword and he cried saying “Oh God of Heaven oh God of Earth bless thy people that we may be victories on this day that we may have our Religion restored and our Freedom restored. For we fight for thee, we fight for the Religion that you have given us and we fight so the honour may be yours."

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